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Diese Seite befindet sich im Aufbau. Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn Sie relevante Forschungs- oder Medienartikel finden, die für die Bedbug Canine-Industrie von Interesse sind.

Anonym. (2009) Eine Nase für Bettwanzen. Schädling, 10-11.

Anonym. (2010) Finding bedbugs. Sind Hunde besser als Menschen? Pest, 18-19.

Anonym. (2011) Bedbug detection taken to a new 'remote' level. Pest, 18-19.

Anonym. (2011) Dogs get certified. Pest, 23.

Anonym. (2012) Have dogs will travel. Pest, 23.

Anonym. (2013) Richard richtet CimexStore ein. Pest, 24.

Anonym. (2015) Bettwanzenhunde beim Stechen erwischt. Pest, 29.

Board, A.F.P.M. (2012) Bettwanzen - Bedeutung, Biologie und Kontrollstrategien. Technical guide no. 44. Silver Spring, MD: Armed Forces Pest Management Board.

Brazell, C. (2010) Sniffing out bed bugs. Pest Control Technology, 38, 58, 60.

Brisbin, J., I. L. & Austad, S.N. (1991) Testing the individual odour theory of canine olfaction. Animal Behaviour, 42, 63-69.

Browne, C. & Stafford, K.F., R. (2006) The use of scent-detection dogs. Irish Veterinary Journal, 59, 97-104.

Boase, C. & Naylor, R. (2014) Bed bug management.

Cooper, R. (2007) Are bed bug dogs up to snuff? Pest Control, 49-51.

Cooper, R. (2007) Vierbeinige Bettwanzen-Detektive. Pest Control Technology, 35, 76-78.

Cooper, R., Wang, C. & Narinderpal, S. (2014) Accuracy of trained canines for detecting bed bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 107, 2171-2181.

Furton, K.G. & Myers, L.J. (2001) The scientific foundation and efficacy of the use of canines as chemical detectors for explosives. Talanta, 54, 487-500.

Pfiester, M., Koehler, P.G. & Pereira, R.M. (2008) Ability of bed bug-detecting canines to locate live bed bugs and viable bed bug eggs. Journal of Economic Entomology, 101, 1389-1396.

Potter, M.F. (2012) Bed bugs. University of Kentucky: University of Kentucky.

Rambo, G.W. (2007) Should PCO's go to the dogs? Pest Control Technology, 35.

Röck, F., Barsan, N. & Weimar, U. (2008) Elektronische Nase: Aktueller Stand und zukünftige Trends. Chemical Reviews, 108, 705-725.

Vaidyanathan, R. & Feldlaufer, M.F. (2013) Review article: bed bug detection: current technologies and future directions. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 88, 619-625.

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