Clive has, since the mid 70’s, gained extensive experience of leading the development of novel technologies and products for urban pest control, and in providing technical support to those involved in urban pest management.
From 1975 – 1992, Clive worked for a succession of multinational pesticide manufacturers, being responsible for the laboratory and field evaluation of novel pesticides for the control of pests of public health and vector importance. This involved working with a range of international agencies, government institutes and universities in the USA, Africa and Asia, as well as in Europe. Greater unity between the Pest Management Industry and the understanding and eradication of this pest needs to be the focus for the next few years. Revenues and budgets are becoming tighter and so we need to work more effectively together to deliver effective and long-term solutions.
“Eradication needs to be the focus, not accepting that ‘it is part of life’. “
The damage to reputations of Pest Control companies is pushing many of them away from delivering services, but the hospitality industry still needs this infestation controlled, as they are often the ones portrayed in the newspapers and media stations when residents report them. The use of the internet as an information provider is a key step in the need for proactive control. When reports of infested properties can be posted onto a website, without the knowledge of the business owner and often in real time, brand image protection through diligent operational systems and procedures are a must.